Under the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO Act, or RICO), a person who is a member of an enterprise that has committed any two of 35 crimes (27 federal crimes and 8 state crimes) within a 10-year period can be charged with "Racketeering". The acts of Bribery, Consumer Fraud, Securities Fraud, Extortion and Forgery are among the RICO crimes they committed to defraud the public, private agencies, as well as to government agencies.
Frank Del Vecchio was offered a salary raise to arrange the termination AMBER Ready founder and CEO. Mr. Del Vecchio was paid a $340,000 per year part-time salary for orchestrating the termination. Mr. Del Vecchio also issued more than 50 million shares to John Thomas Bridge and Opportunity Fund, which is a subsidiary of John Thomas Financial. The following e-mails confirm, AMBER Ready's Board of Directors secretly arranged for Mr. Del Vecchio to receive the pay raise (See: http://bit.ly/bTFNv1). In exchange for the raise, Mr. Del Vecchio with the assistance of Milton Makris committed securities fraud by filing a Registration Statement that contained false statements, consumer fraud falsely marketing a mobile phone application, forgery for issuing stock certificates with the former CEO scanned signature and extortion for threatening to fire employees that failed to falsely sell the AMBER Ready mobile phone application. Mr. Del Vecchio bribed employees and consultants to have them participate in committing fraud. Employees that supported Mr. Del Vecchio's fraud were rewarded by keeping their jobs and receiving salary raises.
Consumer Fraud (Fraud)
Mr. Del Vecchio falsely marketed and sold the AMBER Ready Program as a mobile phone child safety application, after approving the removal of the mobile phone functionality once he became the CEO of the Company. Knowing more than $14 million had been recently invested into the Company, Mr. Del Vecchio attempted to hide the mobile phone functionality no longer existed. The application was sold to numerous Police Department, Schools, PTA Organizations, and the Boy Scouts of America as a mobile phone application (See: http://bit.ly/aF0xyq and http://bit.ly/9ozjca). Mr. Del Vecchio produced a video promoting the mobile phone application (See: http://bit.ly/9YbAPo) and issued a press release promoting innovative technology that no longer existed (See: http://bit.ly/dpHR9g). In the press release by Mr. Del Vecchio, he stated AMBER Ready had "innovative child safety cell phone technology" after the Company no longer had any mobile phone application. Mr. Del Vecchio and AMBER Ready charged consumers between $9.00 and $40.00 for a program that simply sent an e-mail to a parents computer and mobile phone. Parents are able to create their children's profiles using their free existing e-mail accounts; such as AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook and Yahoo. Mr. Del Vecchio confessed in a deposition while under oath that AMBER Ready did not have a working mobile phone application (See: http://bit.ly/aWptxF) and no longer had a working mobile phone application in September of 2009.
Frank Del Vecchio, Thomas Belesis and Milton Makris attempted to defraud the New York City Housing Authority $1.5 million. In September of 2009, the New York City Housing Authority was unaware the mobile phone application they agreed to purchase no longer existed. Although he knew AMBER Ready's Mobile Phone Application no longer existed, Mr. Del Vecchio pursued the New York City Housing Authority to pay AMBER Ready without disclosing the problem. AMBER Ready had not received their $1.5 million payment, and hired Thomas Belesis' uncle, Milton Makris to serve as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Company (See: http://bit.ly/bXmmUK). In an e-mail sent to Mr. Del Vecchio by Milton Makris, AMBER Read planned to have the New York City Housing Authority pay for the application before disclosing the AMBER Ready Mobile Phone Application was no longer available (See: http://bit.ly/9hBD9z). Thomas Belesis also sent Mr. Del Vecchio an e-mail requesting that Mr. Del Vecchio get the New York City Housing Authority to pay AMBER Ready for the 30,000 enrollments while also knowing the mobile phone application no longer existed (See: http://bit.ly/b2YgUz). When the founder and former CEO of AMBER Ready received the e-mails, he contacted Reggie Bowman who was the President of the New York City Housing Authority. Mr. Bowman stated that he was unaware the mobile phone application no longer worked and cancelled the $1.5 million dollar check that had been prepared to be released to AMBER Ready.
Securities Fraud
Mr. Del Vecchio defrauded numerous investors by issuing more than 50 million shares to John Thomas Bridge and Opportunity Fund, LLP, which is a subsidiary of John Thomas Financial, Inc. The 50 million shares were issued as part of a stock manipulation scheme to dilute the interest of the investors of the Company. John Thomas Financial represented to the Securities and Exchange Commission that John Thomas Bridge and Opportunity Fund is not associated or a related entity to John Thomas Financial. Both Companies share the same logo and bear the name John Thomas (See: http://www.johnthomasbd.com/ and http://www.johnthomascmg.com/). The President of John Thomas Bridge and Opportunity Fund is named George Jarkesy. Thomas Belesis, George Jarkesy and Mark Ross implemented the stock manipulation scheme by embedding terms and conditions in the funding agreement documents without disclosing the severity of the dilution resulting from issuing the Penalty Shares to AMBER Ready's founder or the investors of the Company. John Thomas Bridge and Opportunity Fund received the lion share of the Penalty Shares that were issued to the 128 investors. Although they had no money invested in AMBER Ready at the time the Penalty Shares were issued, they received more than 29 million shares of the 50 million shares issued to investors.
Frank Del Vecchio filed a Registration Statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission representing AMBER Ready acquired 4,000 enrollments, when the Company had less than 300 enrollments.
False Statement - "During our six-month retail mall pilot between March and September 2009, more than 4,000 families obtained an additional wireless phone to enable both parents to participate in the AMBER Ready Program".
Page 26 of Registration: http://bit.ly/91Acvx, Full Document: http://bit.ly/blVZ2V
Page 28 of Amendment: http://bit.ly/cpc5kV, Full Document: http://bit.ly/cKdna9
Mr. Del Vecchio confessed in a deposition under oath that AMBER Ready did not have 4,000 enrollments and the Company did not have a mall pilot (See: http://bit.ly/dcJShk). Although Mr. Del Vecchio stated the Company had acquired 600 enrollments, the financial statement in the Registration Statement and letters from employees confirm the Company had less than 300 enrollment (See: http://bit.ly/9ozjca).
Failing to disclose in the Registration Statement filed with the SEC was withheld from the founder and former CEO while he was a Board Member, as well as all material documents pertaining to the Company. The Board of Directors purposely withheld the documents to prevent the founder and Former CEO from being alerted to the fraud committed by the Company. The Registration Statement contained false statements that overstated the success of the company by more than 1,300%.
Mr. Del Vecchio failed to disclose that he never reviewed the material agreements that were necessary to create the audited financial statements. In Mr. Del Vecchio's deposition, he stated on numerous he did not see the financial statement before it was e-mailed to him by the Company's Attorney, when he was lawfully required as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to review it and verify the financial statement was correct in accordance with the Title III of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Pub.L. 107-204, 116 Stat. 745) by not reviewing all the material agreements required to prepare audited financial statements.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarbanes-Oxley_Act; and
http://www.soxlaw.com/; and
Mr. Del Vecchio confessed AMBER Ready did not have a working mobile phone application to enable parents to create their children's alert profiles in parents' wireless phones. Mr. Del Vecchio threatened numerous employees, including Retired New York City Police Officer, Robert Schechter from disclosing the truth about the mobile phone application (See: http://bit.ly/d57IsC). Mr. Del Vecchio has also sent Mr. Schechter a letter from his attorney to further threaten Robert Schechter. Several employees have confirmed that Mr. Del Vecchio did not have a working mobile phone application while he was the CEO of AMBER Ready (See: http://bit.ly/abCGfv).
Mr. Del Vecchio issued the stock certificates to defraud AMBER Ready investors with the scanned signature of the former CEO for a period of seven (7) months after he was no longer an officer of the Company. Mr. Del Vecchio was afraid to issue the stock certificates in his own name, fearing investor and SEC repercussions since he was a public official. When the former founder and Former CEO of the Company learned his signature was issued on stock certificates to issue shares that he was terminating for not issuing, he sent Mr. Del Vecchio a letter demanding his signature no longer be used. Mr. Del Vecchio ignored the letter and continued using the former CEO signature. After receiving the former CEO's letter, Mark Ross (AMBER Ready's Attorney) modified AMBER Ready's By-Laws in an attempt to legalize Mr. Del Vecchio's continued using the forged signature. The false statements were filed by Mr. Del Vecchio in an attempt to allow the stock certificates to trade publically and to enrich Frank Del Vecchio, Thomas Belesis, Mark Ross, George Jarkesy, Milton Makris and other Board Members. Mr. Del Vecchio confessed to issuing stock certificates with the unauthorized approval of the former CEO and also confessed he was give permission by Mark Ross. Mr. Del Vecchio's Deposition Confessions of issuing stock certificates with the former CEO signature are on pages 67, 68, 72, 73, 118, 123, 124, 129, 132, 135, and 138 http://bit.ly/cv7wDO.
Obstruction of Justice
Mr. Del Vecchio and John Thomas Financial has attempted to Obstruct Justice by destroying company documents that included modifying the AMBER Ready website that listed the organization that were fraudulently marketed and sold the AMBER Ready Application. The AMBER Ready Website was changed after documents were posted on the internet that stated documents were sent to the US Attorney's Office, Securities and Exchange Commission and Federal Bureau of Investigation.
After learning of the fraud investigation by the US Attorney's Office, Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, AMBER Ready has attempted to Obstruct Justice by destroying company documents that include modifying the AMBER Ready website. The AMBER Ready website listed the organizations that were fraudulently marketed and sold the AMBER Ready Application. On or about August 7, 2010, AMBER Ready modified their website in an attempt to conceal the video produced by Frank Del Vecchio that marketed the AMBER Ready Mobile Phone Application that no longer exist when the video was produced, posted to the Company's website and aired on television stations. The video was created to present a false perception of the AMBER Ready Program for law enforcement agencies, investors, schools, parents, sponsors, children and child safety advocates. The video can currently be viewed on YouTube and clearly shows Mr. Del Vecchio promoting a mobile phone application that did not exist, required parents to pay between $19.95, but only enabled parents create an e-mail (See: http://bit.ly/9YbAPo).
In an attempt to conceal the fraud committed by the Company, AMBER Ready removed the pages and made URLs inaccessible from the AMBER Ready Website that listed the agencies that were marketed and sold the AMBER Ready Program. The agencies that were listed on the AMBER Ready Website were the Northern New Jersey Council of the Boy Scouts of America, Verizon Wireless Store in Flanders, Newark YMCA, and FOCUS Hispanic Center for Community Development. Archived pages can still be accessed on the internet to confirm the agencies that were falsely marketed and sold the AMBER Ready Program (See: http://bit.ly/btsNHh). Anticipating the Facebook page may be removed, a PDF Files were created that display the contents of each page removed that confirmed the program was falsely marketed and sold by the Company (See: http://bit.ly/cEzjTA).
In an attempt to conceal their role in developing the AMBER Ready website, Shining Star Web Strategies removed their name from the AMBER Ready website after altering the site to conceal AMBER Ready's fraudulent marketing and sales campaign history. Shining Star Web Strategies also developed Mr. Del Vecchio prior fraudulent company's website called "US Consumer Protection", which posed as the US Consumer Protection Agency (See: http://bit.ly/94GoZz and http://bit.ly/aGcthY). The Company charged consumers and business for the free services offered by the Federal Trade Commission's, US Consumer Protection Agency. Shining Star Web Strategies also proudly displays the testimonial of Mr. Del Vecchio company called US Consumer Protection as follows.
“Shining Star Web Strategies has taken my concept to a new level and helped me create a company and a site that is starting to grow bigger than I imagined. Thank you to Shining Star Web Strategies for your outstanding service and dedication to my project”.
Frank Del Vecchio, CEO, US Consumer Protection Fraud
In an attempt to further conceal the fraud he committed, Mr. Del Vecchio has contacted former employees and threatened them from providing letters and statements. Retired New York City Police Sergeant, Robert Schechter was issued a letter that confirmed Mr. Del Vecchio forced employees to lie about the AMBER Ready Mobile Phone Application (See: http://bit.ly/d57IsC). Mr. Del Vecchio's attorney issued a threatening letter to Mr. Schechter in an attempt to cause Mr. Schechter to retract his statement to conceal Mr. Del Vecchio's acts of fraud (See: http://bit.ly/abCGfv).
Although Frank Del Vecchio, Thomas Belesis and their lawyers have tried to explain away the numerous fraudulent actions of the parties, the evidence is overwhelming. The Registration Statement, as well as the Amendment filed by Mr. Del Vecchio and his deposition containing his confessions confirm all parties committed crimes to enrich themselves. This information, along with several other documents have been turned over the US Attorney's Office and the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition to the documents to confirm that Mr. Del Vecchio committed all of the alleged acts of fraud, Christina Cella's affidavit confirms Mr. Del Vecchio committed fraud while on duty as the Deputy Police Chief of Fairview, New Jersey (See: http://bit.ly/fedN8s).
A Former AMBER Ready Employee
Since this information was posted, John Thomas Financial was been charged with fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and FINRA, Frank Del Vecchio has stepped down as CEO, AMBER Ready's successor company Galxy Media and Marketing Corp has Shutdown, and John Thomas Financial has shutdown. With the help of several former AMBER Ready employees, the more than 35 million shares Frank Del Vecchio issued to John Thomas Financial's hedge fund, which they intended to dump on the market at $10 per share, was prevented by the SEC. CNBC has also recently produced a television story called "Greed and Fraud" that exposed the fraud committed by John Thomas Financial, which was committed with the help of now Fairview Police Chief Frank Del Vecchio (http://bit.ly/1bd4FBq).
![]() |
Thomas Belesis |
Consumer Fraud (Fraud)
Mr. Del Vecchio falsely marketed and sold the AMBER Ready Program as a mobile phone child safety application, after approving the removal of the mobile phone functionality once he became the CEO of the Company. Knowing more than $14 million had been recently invested into the Company, Mr. Del Vecchio attempted to hide the mobile phone functionality no longer existed. The application was sold to numerous Police Department, Schools, PTA Organizations, and the Boy Scouts of America as a mobile phone application (See: http://bit.ly/aF0xyq and http://bit.ly/9ozjca). Mr. Del Vecchio produced a video promoting the mobile phone application (See: http://bit.ly/9YbAPo) and issued a press release promoting innovative technology that no longer existed (See: http://bit.ly/dpHR9g). In the press release by Mr. Del Vecchio, he stated AMBER Ready had "innovative child safety cell phone technology" after the Company no longer had any mobile phone application. Mr. Del Vecchio and AMBER Ready charged consumers between $9.00 and $40.00 for a program that simply sent an e-mail to a parents computer and mobile phone. Parents are able to create their children's profiles using their free existing e-mail accounts; such as AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook and Yahoo. Mr. Del Vecchio confessed in a deposition while under oath that AMBER Ready did not have a working mobile phone application (See: http://bit.ly/aWptxF) and no longer had a working mobile phone application in September of 2009.
Frank Del Vecchio, Thomas Belesis and Milton Makris attempted to defraud the New York City Housing Authority $1.5 million. In September of 2009, the New York City Housing Authority was unaware the mobile phone application they agreed to purchase no longer existed. Although he knew AMBER Ready's Mobile Phone Application no longer existed, Mr. Del Vecchio pursued the New York City Housing Authority to pay AMBER Ready without disclosing the problem. AMBER Ready had not received their $1.5 million payment, and hired Thomas Belesis' uncle, Milton Makris to serve as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Company (See: http://bit.ly/bXmmUK). In an e-mail sent to Mr. Del Vecchio by Milton Makris, AMBER Read planned to have the New York City Housing Authority pay for the application before disclosing the AMBER Ready Mobile Phone Application was no longer available (See: http://bit.ly/9hBD9z). Thomas Belesis also sent Mr. Del Vecchio an e-mail requesting that Mr. Del Vecchio get the New York City Housing Authority to pay AMBER Ready for the 30,000 enrollments while also knowing the mobile phone application no longer existed (See: http://bit.ly/b2YgUz). When the founder and former CEO of AMBER Ready received the e-mails, he contacted Reggie Bowman who was the President of the New York City Housing Authority. Mr. Bowman stated that he was unaware the mobile phone application no longer worked and cancelled the $1.5 million dollar check that had been prepared to be released to AMBER Ready.
Securities Fraud
Mr. Del Vecchio defrauded numerous investors by issuing more than 50 million shares to John Thomas Bridge and Opportunity Fund, LLP, which is a subsidiary of John Thomas Financial, Inc. The 50 million shares were issued as part of a stock manipulation scheme to dilute the interest of the investors of the Company. John Thomas Financial represented to the Securities and Exchange Commission that John Thomas Bridge and Opportunity Fund is not associated or a related entity to John Thomas Financial. Both Companies share the same logo and bear the name John Thomas (See: http://www.johnthomasbd.com/ and http://www.johnthomascmg.com/). The President of John Thomas Bridge and Opportunity Fund is named George Jarkesy. Thomas Belesis, George Jarkesy and Mark Ross implemented the stock manipulation scheme by embedding terms and conditions in the funding agreement documents without disclosing the severity of the dilution resulting from issuing the Penalty Shares to AMBER Ready's founder or the investors of the Company. John Thomas Bridge and Opportunity Fund received the lion share of the Penalty Shares that were issued to the 128 investors. Although they had no money invested in AMBER Ready at the time the Penalty Shares were issued, they received more than 29 million shares of the 50 million shares issued to investors.
Frank Del Vecchio filed a Registration Statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission representing AMBER Ready acquired 4,000 enrollments, when the Company had less than 300 enrollments.
False Statement - "During our six-month retail mall pilot between March and September 2009, more than 4,000 families obtained an additional wireless phone to enable both parents to participate in the AMBER Ready Program".
Page 26 of Registration: http://bit.ly/91Acvx, Full Document: http://bit.ly/blVZ2V
Page 28 of Amendment: http://bit.ly/cpc5kV, Full Document: http://bit.ly/cKdna9
Mr. Del Vecchio confessed in a deposition under oath that AMBER Ready did not have 4,000 enrollments and the Company did not have a mall pilot (See: http://bit.ly/dcJShk). Although Mr. Del Vecchio stated the Company had acquired 600 enrollments, the financial statement in the Registration Statement and letters from employees confirm the Company had less than 300 enrollment (See: http://bit.ly/9ozjca).
Failing to disclose in the Registration Statement filed with the SEC was withheld from the founder and former CEO while he was a Board Member, as well as all material documents pertaining to the Company. The Board of Directors purposely withheld the documents to prevent the founder and Former CEO from being alerted to the fraud committed by the Company. The Registration Statement contained false statements that overstated the success of the company by more than 1,300%.
Mr. Del Vecchio failed to disclose that he never reviewed the material agreements that were necessary to create the audited financial statements. In Mr. Del Vecchio's deposition, he stated on numerous he did not see the financial statement before it was e-mailed to him by the Company's Attorney, when he was lawfully required as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to review it and verify the financial statement was correct in accordance with the Title III of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Pub.L. 107-204, 116 Stat. 745) by not reviewing all the material agreements required to prepare audited financial statements.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarbanes-Oxley_Act; and
http://www.soxlaw.com/; and
Mr. Del Vecchio confessed AMBER Ready did not have a working mobile phone application to enable parents to create their children's alert profiles in parents' wireless phones. Mr. Del Vecchio threatened numerous employees, including Retired New York City Police Officer, Robert Schechter from disclosing the truth about the mobile phone application (See: http://bit.ly/d57IsC). Mr. Del Vecchio has also sent Mr. Schechter a letter from his attorney to further threaten Robert Schechter. Several employees have confirmed that Mr. Del Vecchio did not have a working mobile phone application while he was the CEO of AMBER Ready (See: http://bit.ly/abCGfv).
Mr. Del Vecchio issued the stock certificates to defraud AMBER Ready investors with the scanned signature of the former CEO for a period of seven (7) months after he was no longer an officer of the Company. Mr. Del Vecchio was afraid to issue the stock certificates in his own name, fearing investor and SEC repercussions since he was a public official. When the former founder and Former CEO of the Company learned his signature was issued on stock certificates to issue shares that he was terminating for not issuing, he sent Mr. Del Vecchio a letter demanding his signature no longer be used. Mr. Del Vecchio ignored the letter and continued using the former CEO signature. After receiving the former CEO's letter, Mark Ross (AMBER Ready's Attorney) modified AMBER Ready's By-Laws in an attempt to legalize Mr. Del Vecchio's continued using the forged signature. The false statements were filed by Mr. Del Vecchio in an attempt to allow the stock certificates to trade publically and to enrich Frank Del Vecchio, Thomas Belesis, Mark Ross, George Jarkesy, Milton Makris and other Board Members. Mr. Del Vecchio confessed to issuing stock certificates with the unauthorized approval of the former CEO and also confessed he was give permission by Mark Ross. Mr. Del Vecchio's Deposition Confessions of issuing stock certificates with the former CEO signature are on pages 67, 68, 72, 73, 118, 123, 124, 129, 132, 135, and 138 http://bit.ly/cv7wDO.
Obstruction of Justice
Mr. Del Vecchio and John Thomas Financial has attempted to Obstruct Justice by destroying company documents that included modifying the AMBER Ready website that listed the organization that were fraudulently marketed and sold the AMBER Ready Application. The AMBER Ready Website was changed after documents were posted on the internet that stated documents were sent to the US Attorney's Office, Securities and Exchange Commission and Federal Bureau of Investigation.
After learning of the fraud investigation by the US Attorney's Office, Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, AMBER Ready has attempted to Obstruct Justice by destroying company documents that include modifying the AMBER Ready website. The AMBER Ready website listed the organizations that were fraudulently marketed and sold the AMBER Ready Application. On or about August 7, 2010, AMBER Ready modified their website in an attempt to conceal the video produced by Frank Del Vecchio that marketed the AMBER Ready Mobile Phone Application that no longer exist when the video was produced, posted to the Company's website and aired on television stations. The video was created to present a false perception of the AMBER Ready Program for law enforcement agencies, investors, schools, parents, sponsors, children and child safety advocates. The video can currently be viewed on YouTube and clearly shows Mr. Del Vecchio promoting a mobile phone application that did not exist, required parents to pay between $19.95, but only enabled parents create an e-mail (See: http://bit.ly/9YbAPo).
In an attempt to conceal the fraud committed by the Company, AMBER Ready removed the pages and made URLs inaccessible from the AMBER Ready Website that listed the agencies that were marketed and sold the AMBER Ready Program. The agencies that were listed on the AMBER Ready Website were the Northern New Jersey Council of the Boy Scouts of America, Verizon Wireless Store in Flanders, Newark YMCA, and FOCUS Hispanic Center for Community Development. Archived pages can still be accessed on the internet to confirm the agencies that were falsely marketed and sold the AMBER Ready Program (See: http://bit.ly/btsNHh). Anticipating the Facebook page may be removed, a PDF Files were created that display the contents of each page removed that confirmed the program was falsely marketed and sold by the Company (See: http://bit.ly/cEzjTA).
In an attempt to conceal their role in developing the AMBER Ready website, Shining Star Web Strategies removed their name from the AMBER Ready website after altering the site to conceal AMBER Ready's fraudulent marketing and sales campaign history. Shining Star Web Strategies also developed Mr. Del Vecchio prior fraudulent company's website called "US Consumer Protection", which posed as the US Consumer Protection Agency (See: http://bit.ly/94GoZz and http://bit.ly/aGcthY). The Company charged consumers and business for the free services offered by the Federal Trade Commission's, US Consumer Protection Agency. Shining Star Web Strategies also proudly displays the testimonial of Mr. Del Vecchio company called US Consumer Protection as follows.
“Shining Star Web Strategies has taken my concept to a new level and helped me create a company and a site that is starting to grow bigger than I imagined. Thank you to Shining Star Web Strategies for your outstanding service and dedication to my project”.
Frank Del Vecchio, CEO, US Consumer Protection Fraud
In an attempt to further conceal the fraud he committed, Mr. Del Vecchio has contacted former employees and threatened them from providing letters and statements. Retired New York City Police Sergeant, Robert Schechter was issued a letter that confirmed Mr. Del Vecchio forced employees to lie about the AMBER Ready Mobile Phone Application (See: http://bit.ly/d57IsC). Mr. Del Vecchio's attorney issued a threatening letter to Mr. Schechter in an attempt to cause Mr. Schechter to retract his statement to conceal Mr. Del Vecchio's acts of fraud (See: http://bit.ly/abCGfv).
Although Frank Del Vecchio, Thomas Belesis and their lawyers have tried to explain away the numerous fraudulent actions of the parties, the evidence is overwhelming. The Registration Statement, as well as the Amendment filed by Mr. Del Vecchio and his deposition containing his confessions confirm all parties committed crimes to enrich themselves. This information, along with several other documents have been turned over the US Attorney's Office and the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition to the documents to confirm that Mr. Del Vecchio committed all of the alleged acts of fraud, Christina Cella's affidavit confirms Mr. Del Vecchio committed fraud while on duty as the Deputy Police Chief of Fairview, New Jersey (See: http://bit.ly/fedN8s).
A Former AMBER Ready Employee
Since this information was posted, John Thomas Financial was been charged with fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and FINRA, Frank Del Vecchio has stepped down as CEO, AMBER Ready's successor company Galxy Media and Marketing Corp has Shutdown, and John Thomas Financial has shutdown. With the help of several former AMBER Ready employees, the more than 35 million shares Frank Del Vecchio issued to John Thomas Financial's hedge fund, which they intended to dump on the market at $10 per share, was prevented by the SEC. CNBC has also recently produced a television story called "Greed and Fraud" that exposed the fraud committed by John Thomas Financial, which was committed with the help of now Fairview Police Chief Frank Del Vecchio (http://bit.ly/1bd4FBq).
For More Information, Also See: